Saturday, December 13, 2008


Dear friends,
It is high time we rise to the occasion. Terrorism is eating away our national security and integrity. We are all soldiers who have the responsibility to protect our country. Now that we have seen our coastal areas are not properly protected, our airspace is also not safe. No ghastly terrorist attack can be carried out without the logistical support and local sympathy. It is with utmost pain that I have to say that there are traitors inside the country who are bloody rogues, eating away the very breast that they feed on. We have to be vigilant towards enemies inside the border and we should empower the security agencies who are our national assets. We should also petition the governments to provide adequate funds and infrastructure to the men in uniform both civilian and armed.

Is it not painful to see our brave- hearts bleeding in their duty to protect the people of India? We, the people of India should stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jawans and tell them if not with you; we are always behind you to support them as well as their families. The shameless politicians hike their pay and perks without a single whisper in the parliament but when it comes to settle the anomalies in the pay structure in armed forces they whimper in pain to give away the funds.

The police officers who sacrificed their lives battling the terrorists had no improvised bullet proof jackets. I wonder why the governments have not provided them the required funds to purchase the jackets. Our police constables are still roaming around with 5 feet long traditional gun, whereas the terrorists are in possession of AK 47 and other ammunitions duly funded by organized enemies of the nation. No individual can avail of such modern weapons and technical gadgets without State Sponsorship.

Look at Israel – a nation built on will power surrounded by ever hungry wolves who feed on human blood. Still they dare the enemies to challenge their nationhood. We, Indians will not seek anybody’s peril but we should not be seen as easy kill. A country is known by its people. Indians should exhibit the attitude to warn the enemies that they will not be spared if they threaten our nationhood. Every body can not and need not go to the front to fight the war but every citizen can contribute to the Defense of the country.

The teachers should prepare citizens with courage and sense of integrity towards nation. The technicians should help in building the modern techniques to support strategic base of the country. The scientists, as they are doing, should discover and invent new technology in all spheres of science so that the country is strengthened scientifically. If the scientists invent new technologies we can make use of it to earn good foreign exchange. If the dangerous diseases are found vaccines to cure, we can help poor countries and sell the medicine to rich countries. Space scientists should try to take control of the skies. The youth of the nation should do all that is possible to booster the country’s position because ‘strength respects strength’.

The rich students who come to colleges in cars and spend thousands of money in merry making should also think of sponsoring poor students for higher education. The rich students can boast of helping some precious brains of India. The greedy people who keep black money can reduce their guilt by donating money to fund meritorious student’s higher education and researches. The affluent class of India should modify their lifestyle so that they can spend less on luxury and use the same money in persuasion of socialism. The dishonest babus can, at least, decrease the magnitude of corruption. Corruptionless society is our ultimate motto but it is easier said than done. We all Indians should understand and enlighten others that Dirty Politics and Corruption does also have its bearing on escalating terrorism.

The sympathizers and fund raisers of terrorism residing in rich countries will not die a good death. The States sponsoring terrorism will perish sooner or later as we saw in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan. Some of our neighbors like China may be smiling behind the curtains at our state of affairs. The world knows the all-weather-friendship of China and Pakistan. Days are not too far when Chinese will realize they were feeding a bad snake.
Why won’t some Indians think of disguised action against the masterminds of terrorism? Let us not kill innocent people but we have all the rights to avenge for our national loss of people, property and pride.

The western countries should change their policies towards other countries. Better they stop building their fortune by selling arms and ammunition. Is it not nasty thing? They supply the same guns and bombs to two warring parties and see the bleeding of human beings. They build their riches by the ill found money from selling weapons of mass destruction. They fish in troubled waters. They should start thinking why they are being hated by this group of people and find solutions within & outside.

As Swami Vivekananda said ‘Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached’ we must determine to root out terrorism from our lovely country. The land of tigers should not become land of meow meow cats, every one should be a BLACK CAT i.e., NSG-National Security Guard.

Ashok Kumar H.M

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